Call APPLIANCE MECHANICS today at 425.212.9076 or Text 425.470.6059

Quality Customer Service for Major Appliance Repairs – Snohomish County

Customer Service Screaming

Appliance Mechanics ranks #1 for Snohomish County Customer Support. Call (425) 212-9076

New Refrigerators—Recalls & Service calls

recalls & service calls

Recalls happen all the time and are easy to handle if you are familiar with them. Information about technical recalls and service calls.

Snohomish County Dishwasher Repair

Dishwasher repair

When you need to save money, and your dishwasher is broken, don’t panic. Call Appliance Mechanics!

Appliance Repair Services – Skagit County

appliance repair services skagit county

Appliance Repair Services-Skagit County Home appliances always pick the worst times to stop working. Just before your dinner guests arrive, your oven doesn’t heat up. Even worse, you’re on your way to work, and your clothes dryer didn’t dry your shirt. For some reason, there is water in the ice maker, warm food in the […]